Workplace Safety Solution

Elevate Workplace Safety and Enhance Efficiency

Workplace safety with our AI and Real-Time-location system(RTLS)-enabled solution, promoting real-time monitoring, predictive safety measures, and proactive incident prevention.

  • Accurate Personnel Tracking: Our RTLS empowers real-time tracking of personnel within the workplace, ensuring immediate response in emergencies and improving overall safety.
  • Proactive Incident Prevention: RTLS sensors analyze movement patterns and environmental data, predicting potential safety hazards and allowing for proactive measures to prevent incidents.

Track Workers using Real Time Location System

Real-time locating systems (RTLS), are used to automatically identify and track the location of objects or people in real time

(RFID) Radio-Frequency Identification

(RFID) Radio-Frequency Identification

Employs radio waves to identify and track workers by attaching RFID tags to personnel, assets, or equipment, enabling seamless monitoring and control.

Ultra-Wideband (UWB)

Ultra-Wideband (UWB)

Offers highly accurate location tracking by using short-duration pulses of radio waves, making it suitable for applications requiring precise indoor positioning and worker safety.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Low-power wireless technology enabling location tracking via Bluetooth signals, ensuring efficient monitoring of workers and assets within a confined space.

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoraWan)

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoraWan)

A low-power, long-range communication technology suitable for tracking workers in large industrial areas, providing connectivity over extended distances.



Leverages existing wireless networks to track the location of workers, offering a cost-effective solution for indoor and outdoor environments with reliable coverage.

Enhance Visibility and Efficiency
Discover the limitless potential of our AI and IoT platform.
Petran Dashboard
Unlock the Potential: Explore Our Hardware Hub Today
Discover our range of Industrial IoT devices offering diverse communication options such as RFID, BLE, LoRaWAN, GPS, and UWB

Improve Occupational Safety with RTLS Technology

Enhanced Situational Awareness - Improved Emergency Response-Reduced Safety Risks

Track personnel in real-time

Track personnel in real-time

Monitor the location of workers across the facility, pinpointing individuals in hazardous areas or restricted zones.

Dynamic Zone Monitoring

Dynamic Zone Monitoring

Enabling real-time alerts if workers enter restricted areas or deviate from designated safe zones, promoting proactive safety measures.

Automated Mustering

Automated Mustering

Streamline evacuation procedures by automatically verifying worker presence in designated muster points.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Enhanced Decision-Making

Gain real-time insights into the emergency situation, enabling informed decisions for first responders.

Improve Compliance

Improve Compliance

Ensure adherence to safety protocols by monitoring worker behavior and identifying areas for improvement.

Data-Driven Insights

Data-Driven Insights

Analyze location data to identify safety trends and hotspots, enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies.

Business Benefits of Workplace Safety Software

Implementing Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) in your workplace goes beyond just improving worker safety

Demonstrating a strong commitment to safety through technology can lead to lower worker's compensation and liability insurance costs

Lower insurance premiums

Demonstrating a strong commitment to safety through technology can lead to lower worker's compensation and liability insurance costs

Faster emergency response times and improved incident prevention reduce work stoppages and lost productivity.

Minimized downtime

Faster emergency response times and improved incident prevention reduce work stoppages and lost productivity.

Track new employees and ensure they follow designated paths and safety protocols, expediting training and reducing risks

Faster training

Track new employees and ensure they follow designated paths and safety protocols, expediting training and reducing risks

Demonstrating a commitment to employee safety fosters trust and improves morale

Safer work environment

Demonstrating a commitment to employee safety fosters trust and improves morale

Real-time location knowledge eases concerns for lone workers and their families.

Reduced stress and anxiety

Real-time location knowledge eases concerns for lone workers and their families.

Proactive Incident Prevention


Transform Asset Management with AI and IoT

  • APM Software finds application across diverse industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, energy, utilities, telecommunications, retail, and facilities management, among others.


Track patients and staff, improve response times to emergencies, ,and manage assets efficiently.



Locate workers underground, monitor equipment movement, and enhance emergency preparedness.

Chemical manufacturing

Chemical manufacturing

Monitor worker proximity to dangerous chemicals, track hazardous materials movement, and automate safety protocols in containment zones



Real-time tracking of workers helps prevent falls, proximity warnings keep them safe from moving vehicles and equipment, and automated alerts can summon help in case of accidents

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